
A Retirement Primer for Slow Partners

I recently wrote an article titled, “You are Old. We are Greedy.  Get the Hell Out!”  In that article, I lamented the fact that law firms often nudge (or push, or shove) lawyers out of their firms when they hit their sixties. If you did not like that one, you probably will not like this one either, so just keep scrolling.


Have I Got Your Number?

When you get old like I am and hang out with people who are also getting long in the tooth, the question, “What’s your number?”  is frequently asked.

No, this is not about getting picked up. I am not talking about phone numbers. I am referring to the amount of invested assets that folks who are looking to exit the rat race think that they need to have to retire.

The answer of course is always ‘more than I have,’ and that insecurity leaves many of us on the treadmill longer than we want to be there.

Mental Health and Work/Life Balance

My Journey From Law To Mental Health *

It took me eight years after I first realized that my life in law was not working for me until I was fully retired. It went like this:

2012: Best financial year ever. Worked incredibly hard in the last quarter. My hours in November and December were insane. I was so proud of myself. Got a huge slice of the compensation pie.

January 2013: Went to the doctor worried that I was not well enough to go on a trip to Australia for a meeting of our international association. Diagnosed with a thyroid issue. The doctor said it had nothing to do with the stress of my career. I did not believe him.

Mental Health and Work/Life Balance

My Dream Job in Law

Last night I worked on a trademark file. It was a disaster. The application had been filed incorrectly and the Trademarks Office had cited a long list of issues and demanded a response 9 years ago. It seems that for some reason no one had looked at the file for quite some time. I needed to figure out if the application was even still alive. It was beyond stressful.

Law Firm Management

The Best Article Ever Written (by me) About Retiring from Law Firms

Let’s say that a partner at a law firm has been there for quite a while and is getting older, a situation in which I once found myself.

And let’s say that the partner is done with working lots and lots of hours and wants out. Perhaps the partner has become tired or has had a health scare or no longer deals with stress as well as he or she or they once did or finally realizes that there is more to life, or whatever.

Mental Health and Work/Life Balance

Working To Be Relevant

I first met Lauren when he was a partner in a large Buffalo law firm which had a significant cross-border practice with an office in Toronto.  Lauren practiced business law, although by the time that I met him he was spending a great deal of time on business development.  His job involved significant travel between Buffalo and Toronto.  Lauren was also quite active in an international legal association and travelled internationally as well.