Legal Tech

Where There’s A Will

This Article is about what lawyers need from LegalTech providers. I use Wills and Estates as an example, but the principles apply to many areas of practice.

You can read the article here:

Mental Health and Work/Life Balance

An Action Plan for Becoming Less Miserable

I understand that newbies to the legal profession who have student debt and no client base often feel locked into jobs that they hate.

I do not understand mid-level and senior lawyers who are financially stable and have a client base who stay in law firms that make them sick. I should understand them because I was one of them, but that is another story. Do as I say, not what I did.

Law Students and Young Lawyers

How I Almost Failed Out of Law School Taking Accounting 101

I did pretty well in law school.  I studied all of the time, had no life, and got great marks. By my final year, I may have gotten just a little bit full of myself.

When selecting my courses for my final year of law school, I needed one more credit. So, devoid of any experience in the real world, I somehow decided that any course which was offered outside of the Faculty of Law would be easier than taking another difficult law course. 

Firm Culture

The Latest Law Firm Scam

There is an old story about a young  man who, after finally meeting the love of his life following years searching the globe for his one true soulmate, took his girlfriend’s hands in his own one starlit summer evening, stared deeply into her beautiful eyes, and whispered to her in a husky, excited voice: “since I met you, I can’t eat. I can’t drink. I can’t sleep… I’m completely broke.”

Law Students and Young Lawyers

Capitalism Run Amok in the Legal Profession

There were good things about the old days when law was primarily a profession, and lawyers joined law firms with a view to learning, working hard, and becoming partners. One of them was that law firms cared about their associates progressing, developing clients, and becoming self-sufficient.

Law Students and Young Lawyers

Pivoting From Big Law

Sometimes I meet a young lawyer whose career goal is to work in Big Law.  That path might not be my first choice, but as long as they know what they are getting into, they should go for it. This article is not about those folks.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Enough Already, You Greedy Billionaire Wannabe!

“Work hard, earn a great living, get whatever you want out of life, have all the stuff you want. But there should be a ceiling on it-enough is enough!”

~ Sandy Duncan

I used to think that I was a fairly sophisticated guy. I got me an education. I was a partner in a law firm. I advised some successful clients. But since I retired, moved to the country, and bought a pick-up truck, I have been rethinking some things and I realize that perhaps I am, and have always been, more of an Okie from Muskogee, or in Canadian terms, a hick from Temiskaming. And I am happy to be one.

Law Students and Young Lawyers

Gladly Suffering Fools

Back in the day, before I became as warm, compassionate, empathic, and all-around loveable as I am today, I had something of a reputation as being someone who did not suffer fools gladly. There were even a few people around the office who found me to be intimidating. Of course, self-awareness not being my strong suit, I did not understand how anyone could have possibly found me to be anything other than wonderful.

The Practice of Law

That Whooshing Noise

Let’s talk about deadlines. Here are two quotes to get us started:

From Douglas Adams, we give you the light-hearted Associate’s perspective: “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.”

Don’t let that lull you into a false sense of security, because the truth comes from Amit Kalantri, who said: “A professional who doesn’t deliver as committed is not just lazy, he is a liar.”

The Practice of Law

Consistently Chaotic

Early in my articles, a senior partner named David asked me to draft a document and gave me a precedent to use. David approved my draft but asked me to show it to Bob, a more junior partner. Bob told me that I had left out an important clause and asked me if David had approved my drafting. When I assured him that David had thought the draft was fine, Bob rolled his eyes and I understood that Bob did not hold David in high regard.