Law Firm Management

Titles are the Opium of the Masses

Unsuccessful people are the ones who are impressed by celebrity, by people’s names and titles.

~ Robin S. Sharma

In the old days, there were Associates and Partners. Every lawyer planned to work ridiculously hard as an Associate for about seven years, after which the firm would invite them to become a partner.  Or not.

If you were not invited to become a partner, you were expected to hang your head in shame and slink out of the firm. The system was called “Up or Out.” 

Firm Culture

Clowns To the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right

Last week I was at the Barnstable County Fair in Cape Cod. At the midway, there was a game called “Dunk the Clown.” Let me describe it for you.

A clown sat on a ledge over a tank of water. People paid a few dollars and received three baseballs to throw at two large buttons on the walls adjacent to the clown. If a button were hit, the clown would fall into the water.

The Mentality and Attitudes of Lawyers

Zero is the Loneliest Number

In law firms, more zeros are better than fewer zeros.  For example, announcing, “look at me! I just closed a $100,000,000 acquisition” impresses your colleagues more than saying, “I just did a deal worth $10,000,000.”  A deal that was only worth $965,000 is not even worth mentioning. There just are not enough zeros. Frankly, it is almost embarrassing to have been involved with it.  

Firm Culture

Twenty-Four Hundred Hours

I spoke to two law firm partners this week, both of whom told me that their hourly expectation was 2,400 hours per year, consisting of 2,000 billable hours and 400 non-billable hours (administration, firm events, continuing education, business promotion, and mentoring).

I set about to do some math and determine how many hours these people have to spend on their mental and physical health and personal relationships. The law firms are all advertising their  mental health initiatives, so I knew that it would be substantial!

Law Firm Management

Big Law Does It Better

I am willing to bet that you did not expect that headline from me!  And to be fair, I do not intend it as a general statement. What I am going to talk about is legal research, and it is a fact that Big Law does  that better than the rest of us.  While Big Law (and occasionally Medium Law) employs specialists to do their research, the rest of us  either do it ourselves or give the job to articling students, summer students, or  junior lawyers.


If You Feed Them, They Will Come

When I articled, if lawyers or law students worked past 6 pm, they were welcome to dine at the firm’s expense, as long as they returned to the office to work after dinner.

That sounded like a great deal to a lowly paid student, and I was impressed with how considerate the firm was. Being a slow learner, it took me a while to realize that the firm was trying to encourage lawyers to work late into the evening. It took me even longer to figure out that the lawyers would often work until just after 6 pm, go to dinner until 7:30 pm, and return to the office just long enough to be seen by some partners, and then leave.

Law Firm Management

Let’s Talk About Recruiters

Lawyers struggle to attract talent who are both capable and a good fit for a firm’s culture.

If only there were consultants who firms could retain and candidates could work with, who understand the market, the culture in different firms and practice groups, the current salaries being paid by firms of all sizes, and the expectations of law firms and candidates on a multitude of issues, including work from home, vacation entitlement, bonuses, and billable hour requirements.


Retirement For Young and Old Lawyers: Part Eight – The Final Chapter

I’m not sure I can say there is a clean line between me as an individual and me as a lawyer.

~ Anita Hill

Retiring from the legal profession will be difficult for some of us, because too often it is not only what we do, but it is who we are. You cannot retire from who you are. 

As human beings, who we socialize with is also part of who we are. Quite unsurprisingly, William Butler Yeats said it better than I could when he wrote, “Think where man’s glory begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.”


Retirement For Young and Old Lawyers: Part Seven

In Part Four I wrote about the dread that some of us experience when we contemplate the fantasy Number that we think that we have to save in order to retire.   Once I abandoned my original demented plan to work as long as it took to achieve my Number, I asked my financial planner to run one of those fancy computer programs which tells you where to take your money from to fund your lifestyle. In my case, the choices were: (a) personal savings, including my TFSA; (b) my professional corporation; and (c) my RRSP.


Retirement For Young and Old Lawyers: Part Six

Husband: “Green Acres is the place to be…keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.”

Wife:  “New York is where I’d rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay. I just adore a penthouse view. Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue.” 

~ Lyrics by Vic Mizzy

 My older readers will recognize the lyrics above. The young folks will have to Google them.