Legal Tech

My WFH (or WTF) Journey

They say that those who do not  learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

When I started practicing law in 1981, I went to the office six days a week. Sometimes six and a half. I never used my computer at the office, mainly because I did not have one.  Nor did anyone else.

Legal Tech

Somebody Hates Chat GPT

The more seditious and outrageous stuff that I write usually originates in my own tiny little brain. 

Occasionally the creative spark comes from another lawyer. This is one of those times. 

This particular lawyer sent me a rant about Chat GPT which I have edited slightly. For context, this lawyer’s firm loves Chat GPT, and this particular lawyer does not, but they have to pretend that they do so as not to anger the Partner Gods. They would rather go uncredited because they don’t want to be fired.

Legal Tech

Artificially Human?

I have a theory about life which I espouse in my less optimistic moments. My theory is that for many people, things become less and less familiar as they age. What is socially acceptable changes, people dress and act differently, friends and family move away and pass away, technology changes, and so on. Eventually everything is so unfamiliar that they do not feel that they belong in the world, and they are then ready to die of natural causes.

Legal Tech

Just Sit Home and Eat Doritos

I was telling my wife about the recent post by Frank Ramos about LinkedIn having an AI product to help us write our posts. Those of you have followed me for a while know that I think that I am kind of smart, but I know for a fact that my wife, Maureen McKay, is way smarter than me. She has a great ability to look at a fact situation and see where things are going to end up. Here is her take on the use of AI to write posts:

Legal Tech

Musings of a Medium-Tech Lawyer about Cruise ships, Technology, and Mental Health

Legal Tech

Enough Chatter About Chat GPT: Time to Move on Up

So, so much chatter about Chat GPT. I believe some of it. I think that some of it is nonsense.

Here is the bottom line:

  1. Lawyers did not go out of business when computers were invented and we lost all of those hours reviewing draft after draft of retyped documents.
  2. We were still able to generate enough billable hours, even after we became able to produce documents faster with document automation software.
  3. Online legal databases did not replace articling students and junior associates.
Legal Tech

Paralegals Jumping on the Technology Bandwagon

Many of you know that I have deluded myself into thinking that I am some sort of an ‘internet influencer’ (like the Kardashians, only better looking and not as rich).

In this exalted role, I try to stir up thought about legal tech on behalf of Appara, which sells records management and document automation software.

One of the reasons that Appara wants me to write about legal tech is to bring attention to an obstacle that their industry faces, being that lawyers fear implementing technology since doing things faster means spending less time, which means less billable hours.

Legal Tech

The Devil is in the Details

I spent some time speaking to one of the founders of Appara to better understand how using their software would have made my life easier back in the day.

You can read my thoughts on their site by clicking the link below.

Legal Tech

Field of Dreams

Bob was a brilliant lawyer. He loved technology and was a wizard at math.

Back in the day when we used fax machines and they stood alone somewhere near the photocopier, Bob became enamoured with the idea of software that would allow the assistants to send faxes from their desktop. Bob ran various scenarios to demonstrate how much money we would save if we purchased this product. He calculated the salary and benefits earned by each assistant per minute and multiplied it by the number of minutes each assistant spent walking to and from the fax machine every day. We were going to save a fortune.

Legal Tech

Technology Levels the Playing Field

Back when I was a teenager, I worked in a warehouse with Warren.

Warren and I unloaded trucks. Warren would stand in the truck and toss boxes to me which I would stack on the floor. A truck might contain boxes of various sizes and weights. One small box might contain screwdrivers that weigh a ton.  The next might be a large container of disposable aluminum cooking trays that was light as a feather.